
A gripping drama about a young rebel challenging society’s norms while searching for identity and freedom.


Powerful warriors battle to prove themselves as the new ruler of a world left without a supreme king.

Honey Lemon Soda

A shy girl finds confidence and love after meeting a bright, lemon-haired boy in high school.

Dr. Stone

A genius scientist revives in a post-apocalyptic world and uses science to rebuild civilization.

My Hero Academia

In a world where superpowers are common, a powerless boy trains to become the greatest hero.

Mufasa: The Lion King

The untold story of Mufasa’s rise from an orphaned cub to the legendary king of the Pride Lands.

Wind Breaker

A high school delinquent fights to protect his town while discovering the true meaning of strength

Possibly the Greates

An inspiring journey of an underdog striving to become the best against all odds.